True North Law Files Amicus Brief In US Supreme Court On Behalf Of Property Owner

True North Law Files Amicus Brief In US Supreme Court On Behalf Of Property Owner

True North Law filed an amicus curiae (or “friend of the court”) brief in the United States Supreme Court urging the Court to review the case of a Hawaii property owner who was prohibited from developing its land by the State of Hawaii.  True North filed its brief on behalf of four prestigious national property rights organizations and an esteemed property law scholar: Owners’ Counsel of America, the National Association of Reversionary Property Owners, NFIB Small Business Legal Center, Reason Foundation, and Law Professor Shelley Ross Saxer.

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True North Law Files Federal Lawsuit on behalf of landowners to stop Sarasota County from removing Legacy Trail “Encroachments”

True North Law Files Federal Lawsuit on behalf of landowners to stop Sarasota County from removing Legacy Trail “Encroachments”

Thor Hearne and True North Law have filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida to stop Sarasota County from removing what the county calls “encroachments” on the Legacy Trail corridor.  The lawsuit asks the judge to enter a temporary restraining order and injunction against Sarasota County to stop the...

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Bloomberg Law article on the Court of Appeals Decision

Bloomberg Law article on the Court of Appeals Decision

The owners of land adjacent to a former railroad line converted to a hiking trail under the rails-to-trails program will have another chance to pursue takings claims after the Federal Circuit said the government failed to prove that the landowners didn’t own the property beneath the rail line. A Florida-law doctrine known as the “centerline...

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Major Win in the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit

Major Win in the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit

In a unanimous panel opinion, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in our favor that a property owner is qualified to testify at trial regarding the value of her property, including severance damages, when a natural gas pipeline company took her property by eminent domain.  Even though it is a long-established rule of evidence that property...

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Thor Hearne Interviewed by Sarasota ABC 7 News – Legacy Trail

Thor Hearne Interviewed by Sarasota ABC 7 News – Legacy Trail

Thor Hearne Interviewed by Sarasota ABC 7 News about Sarasota County’s Demand that Landowners Remove “Encroachments” from the Legacy Trail Right-of-Way. Thor Hearne was interviewed by a reporter for Sarasota ABC 7 News about Sarasota County’s recent demand letter sent to hundreds of landowners along the northern extension of the Legacy Trail. ...

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