St. Louis Post-Dispatch Publishes Editorial by Thor Hearne “U.S. Taxpayers Shouldn’t Subsidize the Chinese Communist Party”

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch published an extensive editorial by Thor Hearne urging Congress to pass legislation prohibiting Chinses companies, which are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, from abusing U.S. tax credits, that were intended to promote domestic clean energy production, to establish sites near U.S. military installations....

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Landowner represented by True North Law and Brigham Property Rights Law Firm Prevails in 11th Circuit

Federal appeals court says it must follow its prior decision in another recent case where the landowner is represented by True North Law and the Brigham Property Rights Law Firm On July 25th, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued its decision in favor of the property owner – Sunderman Groves – in two consolidated appeals in Sabal Trail...

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True North Law Files U.S. Supreme Court Amicus Brief on behalf of Former Attorney General John Ashcroft in Trump Immunity Case

  Attorney General Ashcroft and the Constitutional Coalition Filed the Brief to Warn Against the Weaponization of the Justice Department Thor Hearne and True North Law represented former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft in filing an amicus curiae (or “friend of the court”) brief in the pending U.S. Supreme Court presidential immunity...

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Social Education Journal Publishes Article by True North Law Partner Steve Davis on Eminent Domain and the Rule of Law

  Social Education (Jan-Feb 2024) The American Bar Association asked True North Law partner Steve Davis to write a “Lessons on the Law” article for Social Education, the flagship, peer-reviewed journal of the National Council for the Social Studies.  Steve’s article, available here, appears in the January/February 2024 edition of Social...

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